Why High Emotional Intelligence Sets You Apart

why high emotional intelligence sets you apart

Why is now the perfect time to discuss emotional intelligence (EQ)?

While intelligence quotient (IQ) has long been recognized as a measure of intellectual ability, emotional intelligence (EQ) has only recently received the attention it deserves.

EQ emphasizes the ability to manage emotions effectively and navigate social interactions — skills that are vital in our interconnected and dynamic world.

Why is EQ important?

While IQ assesses cognitive abilities like logical reasoning, problem-solving, and analytical thinking, EQ (Emotional Quotient) is all about understanding and managing emotions — both our own and those of others. It’s a key part of our personality that helps us navigate our feelings and relationships.

Understanding the role emotions play in shaping our behaviors is fundamental. By doing so, we can cultivate greater self-awareness, respond to our environment in constructive ways, and build deeper, more empathetic relationships with those around us.

The impact of high EQ

People with high emotional intelligence thrive in both their personal and professional lives. They are better equipped to:

  • Recognize their own emotions and understand the feelings of others.
  • Control impulses and maintain emotional balance.
  • Respond thoughtfully rather than reacting impulsively.
  • Communicate clearly and effectively.
  • Build and sustain strong, meaningful relationships.
  • Actively listen and share emotions in constructive ways.
  • Influence others toward a common goal.
  • Extend empathy and understanding to others.
  • Foster collaboration and resolve conflicts amicably.
  • Resist temptations and make better long-term decisions.
  • Manage stress and adversity with resilience and composure.
  • Understand the links between their emotions and how they behave.
  • Remain calm and composed during stressful situations.
  • Handle difficult people with tact and diplomacy.

In contrast, people with low EQ often feels misunderstood, get upset easily, become overwhelmed by emotions, and have difficulty being assertive.

Modern scientific research considers EQ to be one of the best predictors of work success

  • EQ accounts for about 90% of what sets high performing leaders apart from their peers with technical skills. The most effective leaders are alike in one crucial way: they all have a high degree of EQ (Goleman, 2019; Goleman & Boyatzis, 2017).
  • Empathy is ranked as a critical skill in leadership. Leaders who master empathy perform more than 40% higher in engaging others, coaching and decision-making (HBS Online, 2022).
  • About 71% of employers surveyed by the CareerBuilder in the US revealed that employers value EQ over IQ (Landry, 2019; HBS Online, 2022).

This shows that in today’s world, IQ alone is no longer seen as the primary predictor of success.

Why EQ beats IQ and matters more than ever

As artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly takes on tasks that require high IQ, the importance of uniquely human skills – such as emotional intelligence – has never been more evident. EQ allows you to manage your emotions and interact effectively with others — skills that are essential in today’s fast-paced and connected world. EQ is particularly important in areas where creativity, leadership, and strong interpersonal collaboration are a must.

Here’s why EQ is often considered even more critical than IQ in today’s workplace:

Interpersonal skills and collaboration: Those with high EQ excel at managing emotions, empathizing with others, resolving conflicts, building strong relationships, and motivating teams to achieve shared goals.

Adaptability: Fast-paced, ever-changing work environments demand resilience, emotional regulation, and calm under pressure – all core attributes of EQ.

Leadership: Empathy, active listening, and effective communication are fundamental to emotionally intelligent leadership. Leaders with high EQ create supportive environments and build cohesive teams.

Customer and client relationships: EQ helps professionals communicate effectively, manage impulses, build trust, and foster lasting relationships.

360-Degree Feedback as the right tool for measuring EQ

While IQ is traditionally measured through standardized tests, assessing EQ requires a more nuanced approach, including self-assessments, scenario-based questions, and behavioral observations.

Daniel Goleman is widely credited with popularizing the concept of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) through his groundbreaking 1995 book Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. In his model, EQ is composed of five core components: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.

This is where 360-degree feedback proves invaluable, offering honest and constructive insights into your EQ skills and the impact you have on others.

We are pleased to share some questionnaire items on Emotional Intelligence (EQ) that we’ve designed for our clients. Consider incorporating them into your next 360-degree feedback assessments to uncover your leaders’ EQ strengths and blind spots:


  • Recognizes their own emotions and understands their impact on others
  • Demonstrates confidence and self-assurance without appearing arrogant
  • Displays an understanding of her/his own change style, particularly how she/he reacts and relates to others during times of change
  • Shows genuine appreciation for honest feedback without taking challenges personally


  • Maintains composure under pressure
  • Adapts successfully to changing circumstances
  • Exhibits ethical behavior and integrity, even in challenging scenarios
  • Remains positive even under difficult circumstances


  • Brings out the best in other people
  • Helps people accomplish goals together as a high performing team
  • Creates an environment where learning, creativity, and innovation are sources of strategic advantage
  • Inspires others to transform visions into realities


  • Is patient with people who don’t immediately understand
  • Demonstrates empathy and a caring attitude
  • Is sensitive to cultural and gender differences

Social Skills

  • Has high level of skill as an active listener
  • Practices personal generosity and humility
  • Shows a genuine liking for people, relates well with people
  • Effectively negotiates disputes with others

Why it matters

Self-awareness is the first step in developing your EQ. Without an understanding of who you are and what drives your behaviors, achieving true emotional intelligence is nearly impossible.

A 360-degree feedback EQ assessment can provide leaders with valuable insights into their emotional competencies. With this knowledge, they can better manage their emotions, enhance interpersonal interactions, and navigate social dynamics effectively — essential skills for personal and professional success.

In today’s professional landscape, hybrid skills are in high demand. Professionals who blend technical expertise (IQ) with strong emotional and interpersonal agility (EQ) are exceptionally equipped to succeed and make a lasting impact!

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